

Born in Montilla, Córdoba, since 1992 combines his work as an actor with his work as a television scriptwriter (Farmacia de Guardia; Pepa y Pepe; Colegio Mayor; Más que amigos; Manos a la obra; Ellas son así; A las once en casa or Adolfo Suárez, El Presidente) as a film scriptwriter (El calentito, Retorno a Hansala, Bon appétit, Las heridas del viento and El inconveniente) and as a playwright.

His first text, Esta noche no estoy para nadie, was premiered in 1997. Since then he has premiered his works in Spain: 10, ¿Dónde se esconden los sueños?, Las heridas del viento, Humo, Arizona, Tres, 100m2, Concha-Yo lo que quiero es bailar, El manual de la buena esposa, Tamaño Familiar, El príncipe de Maquiavelo, Iba en serio, La correspondencia personal de Federico García Lorca, Sensible, Grandes Éxitos, La isla and his versions of Special Occasions by Bernard Slade (Ocasiones especiales), One for the road by Willy Russell (Al final de la carretera), Lady Windermere’s fan by Oscar Wilde (Windermere Club), Ensemble by Fabio Marra (Juntos) and Le cas Martin Piche by Jacques Mougenot (El insólito caso de Martin Piche).

 His plays have been performed in Germany, Switzerland, Peru, Chile, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, USA, Australia, Slovakia, Greece, Ireland, United Kingdom, Portugal and Italy, and have been translated into nine languages.

As a theatre director, he has directed in Spain his own plays Humo; Arizona; Tres; 100m2; Esta noche no estoy para nadie, el musical; Las heridas del viento; El príncipe de Maquiavelo; Iba en serio; La correspondencia personal de Federico García Lorca, Sensible, Grandes Éxitos and La isla. He also has directed works of another authors as El pez gordo (The Big Kahuna) by Roger Rueff; Razas (Races) and Muñeca de porcelana (China doll) both by David Mamet; Ocasiones especiales (Special Occasions) by Bernard Slade; La monja alférez by Domingo Miras; Miguel de Molina al desnudo by Ángel Ruiz; El secreto de Puente Viejo; Páncreas by Patxo Telleria; Juntos by Fabio Marra and El insólito caso de Martin Piche by Jacques Mougenot. Abroad, he has directed 100m2-El inconveniente in Santiago de Chile (2011) and Special Occasions in Miami (2011).

He has directed and written shows for the Young Artists Awards in the Community of Madrid, for Buero Theatre Awards, the Málaga Film Festival 2010 and the Max Theatre Awards 2011.

Among other awards he has won the Ciudad de Alcorcón Award 1998 for Esta noche no estoy para nadie, SGAE Theatre Award 2005 for Humo, Mention of Lope de Vega Award 2006 for Arizona, Lope de Vega Award 2013 for Shakespeare nunca estuvo aquí (co-written with Yolanda García Serrano), El Público de Canal Sur Award 2015, Crítica de Andalucía Award 2015, Antero Guardia of Úbeda Award 2015, best author in Teatro Andaluz Award  2015, Festival de Teatro de San Javier Special Award 2015 or best theatrical adaptation in LORCA Award 2018 for La correspondencia personal de Federico García Lorca.

He was nominated for the 2009 Goya Film Award for best original scriptplay for Retorno a Hansala and his film Bon appétit won the Silver Biznaga as Best Screenplay at the 2010 Málaga Spanish Film Festival.

The Hispanic Theatre Guild production of Las heridas del viento, directed by Juan Manuel Cifuentes and starring Marcos Casanova and Humberto Rosenfeld was nominated in five categories in New York A.C.E. Awards 2005. Also in New York, he won the H.O.L.A. award 2011 as best director for Races.

In 2010 he won the H.O.L.A in New York as best director and in 2011 he was nominated to the A.C.E. award in New York, both for The Big Kahuna.

For his first film as a director, Las heridas del viento, he won the Best Director Award in the Film Festival of Huelva 2017 and the ASECAN Award for Best New Director 2018.
